Manage your portfolio
Use our wallet to hoard digital currencies, art and experiences from word-famous brands.
Send, receive and store all your cryptocurrencies from Bitcoin and Ethereum to Cardano.
Cash in, cash out or trade your crypto and NFTs in the blink of an eye.
When you want to move your assets, we move them.
Enough said. Now go trade in peace.
Use our wallet to hoard digital currencies, art and experiences from word-famous brands.
Send, receive and store all your cryptocurrencies from Bitcoin and Ethereum to Cardano.
Pay in whatever currency you want. Our smart solutions guarantees accurate rates and low-latency speeds.
Rull is a curated NFT marketplace. That means that you can invest into truly unique pieces of art and experiences that take place both online and offline.
Crypto, pocket change, mortgage or investment: it's all just your money. Deal with it the way you want.
Spend now a few minutes to install the app and manage your money just the way you want.
Here are a few reasons why you should choose Rull.
Secure storage
We have a Hot & Cold crypto storage ecosystem, backing up most of your assets offline.
Protected by insurance
Both hot & cold assets are covered by cash. This means that no transaction is left hanging and no wallet is open to attack.
Industry best practices
We are guided by industry best practice. In-app biometric authentication, cash covered assets, and constant security development are a must.
Crypto is becoming mainstream. Play your part in this rapidly-growing tech industry and stake your claim in digital ownership.
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